Job Opportunity at Driftworks Ltd

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if you guys are looking to take a 'young en' on it might be worth looking into getting a government grant to help pay the litte fooker.
they keep calling me up at work offering apprentices saying they will pay something like 6 grand of thir wages.just means you loose them for a day whilst they fuck off to college etc..

Now THAT, would be great for me :D:dw:
If i thought i had a chance i'd probable apply. I have excellent customer service skills een if i say so my self.. not to good on wheels though and i live about an hour away (no idea wat traffics like)
Once again thank you to everyone for your applications. To those of you that have been unsuccessfull this time, please don't be put off applying for future positions.

We actually ended up employing two new members of staff from the gaggle of applicants. So customers: PLEASE BE GENTLE WITH THEM FOR AT LEAST A COUPLE OF HOURS :wack: :D

We would like to welcome to the Driftworks team: James Simpson (BigJames), and Kam Lau (Kam) :thumbs:
well played guys!!!!

your payment will be in tyres, parts and lots of growling and screaming from bon!!!

beware the Bon Rage!!!!
well done guys, looking back i should have just put on my application.

i have a skid car

i have offset

and i managed to sell a 16 year old 100nx for £1200 so i have sales skillz y000

and i would have had more chance of getting the Job!
Congrats to the people that got it. I'd luv a job like this but am absalutelyUSELESS at everything..Plus i'm Lactose-intollerent (cant drink milk) so dont drink tea.
I think i woulda been good for the job though!

Enjoys dealing with people - Only if you don't ask me any questions...
Has previous sales experience - Yes, lots.
Has a knowledge of Drifting - Ummmm.... i've watched it on TV :dw:
Has owned and worked on a performance rear wheel drive car. -Yes and nope I'd call Dylan
Is friendly, polite and confident - YEEEH, Yup and confident enuff to talk so much crap you'd be convinced i knew what i was talking about
Is interested in learning. - Why learn when I can call Dylan
Is a bit of a wheel whore and has a good understanding of offsets and fitments. - DYLLAN!!!
Has a good sense of humour - Well i'm the token black man so i have to.
Can easily commute to Birmingham B11 or doesn't mind moving. - no and i don't mind moving but the other half wud.
Wants to be part of an exciting team leading the way in a growing market. - Do i get to phone a friend if i get stuck???
Can you make tea? - Dus it taste like chicken?

As you see, as useless as a chocolate teapot....
I might just apply next year???:wack:
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