Congrats to the people that got it. I'd luv a job like this but am absalutelyUSELESS at everything..Plus i'm Lactose-intollerent (cant drink milk) so dont drink tea.
I think i woulda been good for the job though!
Enjoys dealing with people - Only if you don't ask me any questions...
Has previous sales experience - Yes, lots.
Has a knowledge of Drifting - Ummmm.... i've watched it on TV
Has owned and worked on a performance rear wheel drive car. -Yes and nope I'd call Dylan
Is friendly, polite and confident - YEEEH, Yup and confident enuff to talk so much crap you'd be convinced i knew what i was talking about
Is interested in learning. - Why learn when I can call Dylan
Is a bit of a wheel whore and has a good understanding of offsets and fitments. - DYLLAN!!!
Has a good sense of humour - Well i'm the token black man so i have to.
Can easily commute to Birmingham B11 or doesn't mind moving. - no and i don't mind moving but the other half wud.
Wants to be part of an exciting team leading the way in a growing market. - Do i get to phone a friend if i get stuck???
Can you make tea? - Dus it taste like chicken?
As you see, as useless as a chocolate teapot....
I might just apply next year???