my matt black driftu bandwagon s13 for sale!

cant believe this aint gone yet, i'd buy it just for a laugh cause thats what you were thinking when all the silly stuff went in! i.e orange fur lol
right final bump, if someone wants to come and give me £600 in cash this wkend ill let them take it away.

come on guys £600 for a mechanicaly sound s13 that only needs subframe bushes and a couple of ten minute jobs is piss taking cheap. otherwise im gonna start pulling it apart.
you know you want it mate! its the cheapest ive seen a 13 without engine problems go for for ages! i know ive been very critical but it really isnt a bad car! just need a few small bits to tidy it up, no massive work.
That bloody sunstrip would be the first thing to go though! :D

I'll have a is well priced, and as long as its mechanically ok, we may well have a deal up....maybe.... ;)
ha ha! not loving the initial J strip? thats ok, in fact ill prob go and pull it off myself today as i doubt anyone would want it! but yeah if you can look past the stickers etc, theres a good shell under there. if you check out the link you can see just how much welding weve done to it.

anyway let me know soon as ive got a few people interested today.
Yeah -I been looking at it for a couple of days...umming and arring....some wheels and removing the spoiler would have it looking sweet, how many people are interested? I'll have to sit on it until later on today, so tell me now if i'm wasting my time as I certainly don't want to waste yours mate! :)
two tight arses on sxoc are umming and arring about raising the 500 they offered me to 600. not really happy about letting it go for less than 600. ive just read through my project thread and realised theres only like two pics of the welding, i think we did about 8 big panels like the ones pictured so it was a lot more than those two pics and defo wont need doing again!

im going out shopping and such in a bit so if im not online heres me number:07930991755 if i dont answer, prob driving or something so leave a msg!
Will do mate - i'd be coming to view tommorow with the intention of maybe taking it away. I'll give you a call/text later to have a chat :)
Dude, thats so damn cheap, its painful to see this car not selling and you keep having to drop the price. :( Can't you just keep it?
tell me about it! i really wish i could, sadly though i need to get a runabout to drive to work in, i did buy one before but got fucked about royaly and its put me out of pocket.

id love to keep this car, as its come a long way and i really need to be getting some seat time in at the mo.

fingers crossed when im more settled in a few months, ill be getting another loan and getting something silly spec again
initial_j said:
ok demons cant have it so still for sale!

I would....but girlfriend says no! :no:

Keith phoned you though right? He doesn't mess around, if he likes it he'll take it there and then. :nod:
he did, havnt heard back though so not sure. got several people interested.

at the moment, im probably swapping it for a mk2 escort! not sure yet though