My new drift car


Active Member
1990 Supra 3l Turbo





bought with a Toyota mechanic friend
Awesome, about time we had a MA70 join the drift world!

BTW do you think people can tell its a supra?!?! :wack:

The wheels look like the very late spec JZA80 Supra wheels!? Sell them for a few quid and get some JDM rims for it! :nod:
Brave man drifting one of them... all together now "I'm spinning around" LOL

Good luck with it fella always liked those old school supras, proper Bo I tell thee...
Black Betty said:
Awesome, about time we had a MA70 join the drift world!

BTW do you think people can tell its a supra?!?! :wack:

The wheels look like the very late spec JZA80 Supra wheels!? Sell them for a few quid and get some JDM rims for it! :nod:

thats as it was delivered, those stickers will be coming off. we plan on doing this with as little expense as possible so theres no money for shiny wheels unfort :)
strip it out, cage, sort the diff and suspension, maybe some cooling and then out to the track to get practicing, should be fun
Cool, fair enough man! Just keep an eye on water/oil levels and smoke out the pipe!Headgaskets and turbos are common faults! Ive replaced loads of the bastards! ;)
JamesAE86 said:
thats as it was delivered, those stickers will be coming off. we plan on doing this with as little expense as possible so theres no money for shiny wheels unfort :)
strip it out, cage, sort the diff and suspension, maybe some cooling and then out to the track to get practicing, should be fun
thats a good plan :)
must buy for your supra....

I've heard Argos's very own Elizabeth Duke has a special offer on medallions, your going to need one :nod:

The oul Toyota/TOM's racing MA70's rocked!! when the bread baskets and other engine related probs didnt occur...serious car though! shud be a lot of fun and dont be afraid of flat shifting for the Nomuken smokey stuff!! :smokin:

Hope to see ya soon... :wave:
thats the one, when we raced them, tiff said it was possible one of the worst cars he has ever raced....heavy, striaght line bruiser. MInd you that was at the city circut of macau.
chrisb14a said:
I've heard Argos's very own Elizabeth Duke has a special offer on medallions, your going to need one :nod:

Naa he spend the money on some 'imaganation' instead and ended up not buying an S-body like everyone else :thumbs: :D

The supra is a cracking drift barge dude, you will have muchos fun in it!
Old Skool Cars said:
PMSL!! :D :D

Hey, wud u not make an offer for the LEATHER seats that come in the MA70 for ur 86 dude?? they wud looke really pimp....ish? :smokin:

the interior will probably be for sale soon. I've a great interior in the AE86 so it'll be staying put.

thanks for the comments guys, I'll keep you up to date on upgrades :thumbs: