Needs to go this week - RWD Oldschool Toyota Corona 2000 £300

I've driven it too, and it's awesome fun. Reliabilitywise there's no reason to pressume it'd have any problem at all with 600miles :)
yeah, still got it :rolleyes:
it's very nearly out of MOT, but if someone's SERIOUS about wanting it, I'll see what I can do about getting that sorted :)
Such a cool car! It was parked a mile down the road from my work for years! Always was tempted to buy it myself, but just didnt want an auto, and no time for manual conversions :(

Good luck with the sale Jim bob :D :p
It's still here and it's really in the way now :(
Tax and MOT are now out.
Someone come and take it away for £300 before it goes on eBay.
s13silvia said:
new dif and clutch on order :p :wack: :wave:

If you can fit a clutch to that car I'll pay for it ;)

I cant beleive this hasn't gone, and unfortunatley it looks like its gonna have to take a few quid into ebays pocket to get it sold :(