new FWD drifter!


hey guys! my name is Conor and im from Australia. and no this is not a post asking if i can drift my mums fwd hyunday. i actually do drift my fwd car. its a 1988 honda prelude. almost 400,000 on the odo and still original engine and box. the car is pretty much stock bar some coilovers. i drive for Team Red Stage and head over to ebisu every year with the team to compete in G1GP. anyway thats abit about me. looking fowerd to checking out the forum.



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Welcome to the forum man.
I would say you take a bit of a bashing on the internet for using a FWD, personally i don't give a shit what car people use to drift.
To me drifting is just having fun, not about rules and conforming.
Any videos?
i would normally not post my youtube thing. because for me to bother putting it on youtube its normally a crash or screw up :P and the only full runs i have uploaded are from awhile ago and i was driving like a goob. anyway here are some of the more interesting bits.

hmm that is an interesting concept. can you explain why its a power slide when the slide is not caused or maintained by power?
Its not a power slide at all.

On your facebook page you got a chance to drive RWD at ebisu, how did you find it compared to your usual?
yeah i was driving a friends s14 around ebisu this year. its still just as much fun as my prelude. my issue was a keped spinning out because in my car you power out of a spin. which in a rwd car obviously does not end well. but thats just my habits. i did like driveing the s14 and do like driveing rwd cars. but i really like my prelude. it just has way less issues and is way more reliable then all our other team cars. it looks good. i like the sound of it. i really prefer NA engines to turbo. i have 9 of them now so im well stocked for parts. and i just like the over all feel of the car and the way its built. i had the same model 3rd gen as my first car and im happy. also i get asked alot if i will change over to rwd. and unless i get a very cheep NSX or s2000 (unrealistically cheep) im not really interested in changing. that being said if i had a rwd car i would not be swapping to fwd ether, i like having my thing and working to master it.

as far as what i thought of the car itself. the clutch shifter steering and thottle pedal all felt very heavy compared to my car. the power was awsome fun. i dont know the exact numbers but i think around 240kw on s15 turbo and after market cams of some description. however below about 4000rpm it was absolutely terable and that in itself would be a deal breaker for me. also the car seemed to be less stable then mine on turn in. and then responded less to breaking weight transfer and felt kinda dull. also i found my self cheating and useing the power to slide and not momentum. that was not helped by the fact that i could not drive it fast enough to match the 240kw. actualy thats another reason i like fwd. you eather use the weight and as much speed as you can. or you dont slide. everything needs to be 110% and as aggressive as possible or get no results. and you cant just use power to cover mistakes.

anyway. also i appolajise for my spelling and poor sentence structure. its not one of my strong points.
also here is the vid of me in the s14 on north coarse. now please bear in mind at this point i had not driven a car of any description for about 2 weeks. and this is was my first time ever driveing a rwd car. but you can see i start to get the hang of it towards the end. the uncut vid is about 15 mins of driveing.

Welcome, TBF, looks like you drift better than 90% of the people on this forum.

Fuck me that must take alot of skill. However it's not drifting is it, it's just power sliding!

LOL. How the fuck is it powersliding? A FWD can't powerslide ever.
It was like 5am! And I have no idea what a slide that is purely momentum based is called. It's still not drifting tho.
It was like 5am! And I have no idea what a slide that is purely momentum based is called. It's still not drifting tho.

Err, no, that's exactly what drifting is.

Fuck sight more drifting than yanking the handbrake then mashing the throttle on an 8000bhp engine like a lot of drifting is these days.
Physics wouldn't allow you to link a whole track or Even more than one or two corners in a fwd car. I imagine you're just being difficult Stavros as you know how much speed a fwd has to scrub to stay at angle.

With your experience with relying on weight transfer and with your skills. Please get a relatively low power rwd car, you'd be epic to watch after a few sessions.
I'm not being difficult, I'm saying a slide using power, is a power slide. A front drive can never do that. A slide using momentum, whether or not power helps keep it going, is a drift.
to me. a drift is a a slide from entry to apex not sustained by power.

You just defined a Powerside. A Drift, call it basic terminology, is a power slide that keeps on going with appropriate (and mandatory or it's not a drift) control of the throttle. That's it.

If you want to come close or cheat, get the slicked rear tires in the known universe and the weakest handbrake power ever and then try holding it on, not really a drift but if you don't look at the wheels and squint it might be :smokin:
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You just defined a Powerside. A Drift, call it basic terminology, is a power slide that keeps on going with appropriate (and mandatory or it's not a drift) control of the throttle. That's it.

If you want to come close or cheat, get the slicked rear tires in the known universe and the weakest handbrake power ever and then try holding it on, not really a drift but if you don't look at the wheels and squint it might be :smokin:

Fuck me theres still some thick cunts left in the world !!

A slide maintained WITHOUT power is the definition of a powerslide is it Sir Isaac ??

Best you stick to making sig pics and dont try putting your theories into practice without an external roll cage lmfao

Personally I can see what Stav means and I share the sentiment for applauding momentum and weight shift control that such "fwd drifting" requires, but unless you can change speed up or down, as well as angle and direction, round a course without being straight
then thats not what the true spirit of drifting is about. Its like going on a chess club, raving about draights because they are both played on the same board - they share aspects but are not the same discipline.

Good luck to the OP with your hobby and welcome to Dickworks !!

:D :D
im not sure where that myth came from. but its possible to gain speed in a fwd drift.

this is a vid of one of my freinds. his car is an AE101 with the stock 4age. so its only a 1.6L and a little more power would be helpful. him and the rest of their team compete in comps against rwd cars all the time. here is a vid of him driveing agains a JZX100. as you can see he has no issues linking the entire track and keeping up with the JZX

there is also this vid of him n minami. you can really hear the engine is working hard here and that he is at a power disadvantage. but there is no doubt that he is accelareating whilst drifting up the hill

also here is a random pic of their team coz it looks cool :P

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I said i thinks its good
I appreciate there is skill involved


Holding 5deg of angle while barely accelerating and primarily on an ever slowing course until momentum or angle is lost is NOT truly what drifting is about. It may fit but thats like saying because a particular square building has bricks in it ALL brick buildings should therefore be square !! Just because you get FWD cars to do a course, with a modicum of lock doesn't mean its true drifting as a whole package, its a seperate, specific thing and whilst I appreciate it I do recognise the differences.

Show me a video of a FWD drift car doing what would be considered the most basic of drift excercises - 5 laps of a constant radius circle holding constant angle for the duration at say 40mph !!!

Good luck with it.

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So by what your saying is the JZX in that vid is not drifting eather. Because the Ae101 was keeping the same speed and angle over the length of the track. Yet you say the jzx is drifting and the ae101 is not?