ps13 silvia 300bhp drifty car

sammysideways said:
julians to busy and when hes isnt then i cant get a trailor

im quite interested to find the point in time where all other garages ceased to exist and julian became the only person to be able to fix a car.
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did i read right that you are in oxford i have a mate in cheltenham (30 mind drive) who is an SX God if you like i can have a word with him?
may aswell carry on trying to build the damm thing, this whole fucking thread just you lot taking the piss out of me instead of anyone actually wanting to buy it.

end of the day, i cant fix it, i dont know ANYONE that is available to fix it, julians at japfest next weekend so what am i meant to do??

whats wrong with imps??
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I still dont see the point in buying "add ons" for a car that doesnt work.

Isnt it quite simple? You only want certain places to fix the car. There busy. Book it in for when there not busy, it maybe a wait but still a lot quicker and cheaper than selling the broken car and starting again?

Whats the wait to take it to WMS?
i shall ask around for gareges in your area that will be able to sort it and that are trust worthy if you like and with a good back ground of jap cars

come on sammy mate get it working otherwise this is going to be the longest for sale thread on hear and you have spent so much cash to get it where it is know
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ermm well been waiting to take it to wms for two weeks already, 1st week he was to busy, second week he had to cancel cos he was to busy, this week he will be at japfest. not julians fault just cars off road coming up to a year now and im fed up. just want to drift even if it means losing a whole heap of money.

wouldnt mind taking it somewhere else just last place i used ended up with me having coil packs stolen, someone opening door into her,car left in a shit state,half jobs not even done and a month late