Got it to the blasters and used they’re forklift to pick the car up and drop the front and rear end rolling assembly’s and here’s a few pics before and after.
So I was aware there was minor rust in the usual places and the reason for blasting was to identify any hidden areas before having the rust repaired here’s the rust,
front inner arch areas
passenger footwell seam
this is the only potential naughty bit
And that’s it other than a bit of crumpling of the thin rails under the floor pan,
Next play is to try and tacked the sound deadening
So I was aware there was minor rust in the usual places and the reason for blasting was to identify any hidden areas before having the rust repaired here’s the rust,
front inner arch areas
passenger footwell seam
this is the only potential naughty bit
And that’s it other than a bit of crumpling of the thin rails under the floor pan,
Next play is to try and tacked the sound deadening