Santa pod drift experience day

First hand experience for me would be seeing a smile on 100% of people who have booked a day with us after they have finished their experience. I can't think of a single person who i have taught who hasn't said thanks that was great or something along those lines.

I can back that up rick. If u cant afford to buy a car for drifting, which in the current climate is probable then i would do the experience coz you might even not like driftin (impossible) and would of wasted your hard earned cash on those rapists we call insurance. But to answer ur question i would definatly go santa pod as an experience day
I had an experience courtesy of Lex, it was the best day of my life aha.
Had loadsssss of passenenger rides, met some cool people.
The actual experience of me having a go myself, wasnt great in terms of seat time, but I didnt care, it was so much fun I honestly didnt care...I just cant wait to get back out there with my own car!
I had been twice before and only been in the play pens and wanted to take it to the next step (they were aware of this), they had a bad day that day with lack of cars/drivers etc but all of the people in the group I was in complained as we were left standing around for ages. As I have previously stated a bit of decent customer service would have removed the bitter taste left from that day.

You should have got Paz to spend the day with you mate from drift tutor. My second drift day was at pod and I paid for tuition off dan chapman through drift tutor, with them you get one to one tuition all day. I learned so much that day was well worth the money and seeing dan at awsomefest he was pretty chuffed that I can now drift and he taught me
As above really, if you do a bit of hunting around on here it's easy to find reputable companies.
I did the full day drift racing experience with driftracing @ pod in April. It was brilliant fun. I had done a couple of caterham drifting experiences and this was better, apart from no Sam the grid girl and caterham instructor by hey ! My last run was in MrNick cefiro complete with cage, bucket seat and turbo power, stunning. The adrenaline took at least two hours to wear off , I was buzzing. Could have done with more seat time but that is the same for any driving experience. I thought it was good value, try a weekday date as it will be less busy and you might get more runs.
The experience day is amazing value for money if you consider you are driving a high powered japanese car in a secure environment with free fuel, free tyres, and one-to-one tuition.

People underestimate what it would cost to run this sort of thing, and need to appreciate it needs to continue going, there are only approx 5 or so drift experience companies in the UK, and they all need to be supported to continue to bring the new blood into this sport.

Gotta ask Sam, are you anything to do with these days? :confused:
did you get any drifting done?

Only a small amount in all honesty. I was at the bottom of the list therefore had to wait the longest. I waited for ages until I thought, fuck this, im gonna have more passenger rides while i wait, came back to have a go, still had to wait, eventually had a go. Then more wating, more waiting, went off again for more rides, waited more, then right at the end of the day, when the big track was closed, when everyone was leaving or had left, i was allowed another go, which didnt last long becuase the tyres popped and apparantly they werent allowed to send the car back out.
I went with a friend who had a driftday with driftracing?

It was about 30 mins in total over half a day, and tbh it was long enough and awesome enough for him to be in the market for a drift car.

It was well run tbh.

Was in a skanky RB25 Black skyline if anyone knows the company..

Id reccomend it!



we will be changing our format for 2011 of our biggest problems is that drifting is awesome and people always want more ..
if you cant always afford it and know someone u could just pay the 10ner to get in and pretty sure u could get a ride with some one , if anything like me the 1st time i got to be passenger in a drift car i was hooked before i even bought one :) and now im tryin every pod drift day possible worth 70 quid all day long, manage to get up to pod drift all day and get bk on just over a tank of fuel :)
You should have got Paz to spend the day with you mate from drift tutor. My second drift day was at pod and I paid for tuition off dan chapman through drift tutor, with them you get one to one tuition all day. I learned so much that day was well worth the money and seeing dan at awsomefest he was pretty chuffed that I can now drift and he taught me

Awe I've only just seen this post..... and it's really great to see :)

oh and... this is the first time I have been on Driftworks for a while, the forum looks so different! When did it change?!
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Sorry for bringing this post up from the depths of the earth.

I'm doing one of these half days on Saturday, is it true that the whole thing is only 2 hours long though?
Sorry I should have put that.

I just got back and yes it was 2 hours. I had a good time but wouldn't use them again. They shouldn't be advertising it at as half a day either, it's not half a day it's 2 hours.

Overall a good laugh though.
might aswell put my words in!

i did a full drift day with nick down at pod and i was lucky enough to be put in a small group of 3 with bret as our instrutor i had plenty of seat time and also tried all of there cars out by the end of the day i was 3 people up and getting scored round there play pen it was worth every penny and what i learnt from that day was more then enough to go home buy a car take it to pod then bin it into the wall at the end of the day! ( but i blaim ian for telling me to get out the pens for that ;) ) lol all jokes aside do it youll love it and it will tell you
1 - if your goin to like it
2 - if you got the nack for it

plus you will no dout meet all the awsome drivers down pod ! def worth asking for a passenger ride with some of them whilst nicks team go for lunch!
I'll be honest, I went in September this year had quite a bad experience. Everyone was nice enough, but for the money I had next to no seat time. It was bought for me as a present by my parents last year as they know I like drifting but need a work horse diesel and can't justify a second car.

Anyway, I arrived nice and early waited to go for ages.. Got given an automatic Soarer to drive which was far too difficult for me to control (I am a total novice, no prior experience). I was told I had 4 slots for the day, they were 6 minute slots..... I had a total of 24 minutes seat time for £300.. Such bad value, especially as 2 of those slots were in the Soarer which no one could get the hang of.. I asked the guy who took me out if anyone had managed a figure of eight in it, and he said no one had. Why they continued to use it I don't know. I drove an e36 and an S13, and they were much easier to control, I had a great time in those (for a total of 12 minutes).

In hind sight I should've asked for the £300 in my hand, bought a rotten e36 and bashed it up around the Arena Essex drift days. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone sadly.

But I guess everyone has a different experience, don't they?