Little hint - to reduce the amount of wind noise, just put a bit of tape over the microphone hole. Even if it's in a waterproof case it makes a massive difference and you can still hear engine/tyres
Little hint - to reduce the amount of wind noise, just put a bit of tape over the microphone hole. Even if it's in a waterproof case it makes a massive difference and you can still hear engine/tyres
Oh, sorry about the noice. I'm too poor to afford myself a camera, but some random dude showed up and lent me this shitty Sony one, so we had to use that. Thanks for the tip!
edit. Did some Youtube magic to cover the gay noice with gay song. Oh well.
What a fucking great read, just read it all and thats Deffinately the way to rebuild a car, make it look decent then just enjoy the shit outta it good job
one of the most sexually R32s I've ever seen outside of Japan, great job man! The only thing I don't like are these massive Russian license plates haha. Aren't you guys able to get squared/rectangular ones?