i had an awsome weekend... thanks lez
Went on Sunday to watch. What did you drive?
i had an awsome weekend... thanks lez
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with his driving either
This is some stupid driving and yeah the marshalls should of done something about it but the main issue was 2 mx5,s going in the top field at the end of the day and doing doughnuts!
Thats the kinda shit that is gonna get us banned, they just spend a day drifting a fun fast track but think lets go do some doughnuts and fuck the field up! Theres maccy d's down the road for that
Also just because we drive beaten up bmws doesnt mean we all drive like cunts, i might not be bothered about denting my car but i will have repsect for others and give space to people i dont know, especially with nice cars.
Good point well made my battered old pos bm is also my daily that gets me to work everyday.
Also just because we drive beaten up bmws doesnt mean we all drive like cunts, i might not be bothered about denting my car but i will have repsect for others and give space to people i dont know, especially with nice cars.
Good point well made my battered old pos bm is also my daily that gets me to work everyday.
+1 on that front
..the marshalls should of done something about it but the main issue was 2 mx5,s going in the top field at the end of the day and doing doughnuts!.
Good point spaniel, I always try and ok it with other driver before getting close its called commom decency/respect
If this fella said look im sorry I got carried away all would be good/forgotton but its his attude that pissed so many people off, if he would have hit the car thats stuck in the gravel it would be 100% he's fault and he should have to pay to have it fixed !! Lezbrucelee is very quiet whats the boss' s view on all this ??