Think I got owned by the Police. Help!

I luckily got out of three points and a £60 fine for the same thing.

Thing is though I genuinely didnt see the no entry signs.

Just got a producer which was cool.

Lets just hope there isnt a next time. The fine isnt the issue its the points.
I asked quinn about points and they said "we dont charge for points" so I think its up to the company if they "charge" you.
As you found out, they can put the 3 pts straight on with there computer. If you didn't show them a license, you would then get 2 wks or so to hand license into a police station. Gives you that time to get advice on whether to just take it, or fight it. Also gives the copper more paperwork, so he might be more inclined to issue a warning than pts.

you are joking right?!!! lol

where do you get your information from?? :wack:

you have to hand your counterpart into the police station within the 28 day period whatever happens as they will send it off to dvla who will then literaly type in your offence code onto your counter part (green paaper) and send back to you. and they take your photo i.d. too for this period

they CANNOT put anything there on the spot mate. as you have 28 days to decide whether to contest the ticket...

and what paperwork you on about... after filling the ticket thats all that the officer would have to do, at most a small statement and poss a file if contested but thats it, 5 minute job :thumbs:
Fezcat is obviously a policeman or a ticket man lol :D but you think thats bad i got an import silvia and import front plate got 3 tickets in 1 day 60 pound ago for not haveing the right plate.which your aloud the plate i have then to top it off the same night get pulled a forth time and yeah i abused him for tell me your getting another ticket and my car hasnt got insureance which it clearly had buy showing 3 previous tickets lol
Some bad stories! And for pulling you that many times they do deserve to get abused, like they dont communicate with each each other! haha
And that bout quinn is good news! Im with quinn direct! :D thank f**k for that! :D
if it was a pure accident id be pissed.

did they see you intentionally go through the no entry, that might be why - otherwise it could of been just a slapped wrist mate???
i didnt say i done it on purpose but the copper didnt seem to be bothered. He seemed to quite enjoy fillin that form in and takin the piss a bit, the d**k