
cefiro_drifta said:
rip out the speedo and rev counter and stick these in its place :thumbs:

how come you know what i'm thinking !! :D

yes, i really want to do this, but how do i know is there any fuel in the car, after i convert the speedo to a APEXI speedo.
This mornning i visit Mr. ECU again.
as you can see there are alot of wire aorund the floor, this is the reson why i need to see Mr. ECU. also the second reson is i need to fit the AVC-R.

Than i run thought all the wire from the ebgine bay to the inside, i move the boost gauge wire too.:D

it not hard to do it, only 5 mins job.:p
but now i have a big problem, this stop me to fit the whole AVC-R.
the problem i don't know which is the org. "Boost Pressure Soienold Valve":smash: :smash: :smash:
i can only find the tubro Actuartor.:cry:

anyway because i looooooook at the engine bay and try to find that devil.
i find there was a little pipe comes off. it is the little rubber pipe on the big in-take pipe. i don't know whats it do, but after i put it back, my turbo pressure goes back to 0.8 bar.:nod:
so i think because this pipe comes off thats why my pressure drop to 0.6 bar.
Guishnu said:
You ran it the same route at the engine loom wire.
Cool was wondering where i was going to run mine :D

yes with the engine loom. :D
it was because the other side have the cuise contral until block me.
very very busy this week, not for work is for holiday.....

i went to Birmingham for 4 days, if you remember every time i went there is only for one reson, FIXing my Cefiro.
this time have alot of stuff put on it and lot of stuff took away.
just got back now and need to work tonight, after work i will post-up some photo to show all you guys what have i done !!
can't wait now.................:dw:
ok here you go....
i went up to Birmingham on sunday after work 12:00 mid night.:eek:
yes, i'm crazy...
the first thing is check with the fright company about my new toys, but it is a BANK hoilday !!! i totally forgot it, so i got no new toys. not very happy, a bit mad :mad: , so i rip somethings off from my car.

want to clean up the plugs, but all i find is this.
6xplugs, no one have the little clip.:mad: :mad:

next time i need to order some new one, make me to spen money again.:smash:
an hours later, i got this devil off too.

it is a :euge: curis many grams i can save now ?? 10g or 20g ??
i really need to take lot of weight out from my car.
it is because i got soooooooo many extra things to put on it.:D
now i got some nice green stuff............

Hummmmm..........don't know, what do you think?? i don't know what is Takata.:D

 is not, but it is very very nice and cheap.

looks ok ? i'm quite happy with it.
ok, Tuesday mornning wake up first thigs to check the fright company.
but they can not clear it.:mad: stupid company !!
anyway so still no new toys.

ok, Wed. again check the toys.
ha ha ha ha this is good.:D every things is ready, and sent to me at afternoon.
so i want to keep my self busy, so ring up Phil and go visit them.
some of you might not know, Phil make very good tea !!:dw:
after a cup of tea from Phil,
than my friends ring up TLM, see can we go there to visit.:D
end up they help me to fully fit the AVC-R.:thumbs:
than we go out for a run try to set it up.
all i got is full boost to 0.8 bar for 1 sec, than a CUT OFF :cry:
we try 3 times, same result.......o...god please don't do this to me.
very lucky my friend ring up another guy !! :)
some little work.....all i got is big big big BOOST LEAK !!!!!!:mad:
when the first day, i got my Cefiro i find this.
every time when i floor it, it make a big suiiiiiiiiiii sound.
all the people tell me this is the air filter sound, but it is................
anyway when the time we find this, it was very late. so he ask me to go back next mornning.:thumbs:
mine make sa big big suiiiiiiii sound and then lots of waste gate chatter .... can ure friend come see my cef and make sure its all good :thumbs:
after finding the BOOST LEAK.
we go back to my friends garage. thanks god.

open them all...

see they all new and bling:D
Hows nice to fit this to my new wine color baby !!

HAY HAY HAY no smoking. :smash:

anyway, this is the best time of this trip.
i start to work on my car again !!:D
first i put a rear strut brace.

than a front one, look at it !! :worthy:


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