ok, Tuesday mornning wake up first thigs to check the fright company.
but they can not clear it.
stupid company !!
anyway so still no new toys.
ok, Wed. again check the toys.
ha ha ha ha this is good.
every things is ready, and sent to me at afternoon.
so i want to keep my self busy, so ring up Phil and go visit them.
some of you might not know, Phil make very good tea !!
after a cup of tea from Phil,
than my friends ring up TLM, see can we go there to visit.
end up they help me to fully fit the AVC-R.
than we go out for a run try to set it up.
all i got is full boost to 0.8 bar for 1 sec, than a CUT OFF
we try 3 times, same result.......o...god please don't do this to me.
very lucky my friend ring up another guy !!
some little work.....all i got is big big big BOOST LEAK !!!!!!
when the first day, i got my Cefiro i find this.
every time when i floor it, it make a big suiiiiiiiiiii sound.
all the people tell me this is the air filter sound, but it is................
anyway when the time we find this, it was very late. so he ask me to go back next mornning.