WANTED: S13 non-LSD half shaft

mitch told me to get S13 half shafts, which i did (well, stole them from sams car in the middle of the night :D ) i got them back to mine and tried them in the diff and the short one fits in both sides, but the long one doesn't fit in either side (not the first time my big one hasn't fitted, if only :cry: )
anyways, taking advice again from an un-named (mitch) member of the board, i cut the long shaft down to make it fit, but still won't as it seems slightly larger on the bit left

therefore, henceforth etc, i need another short one ~(not you sam ;) )

clear :thumbs:
I told him to get open half shafts. Whether he did or not is debatable, but he seems desperate enough to make me look a twat just because he can't do it:D:wave:
are you determined to get the shorter gearing? would be so much easier to just get the S14 diff welded by Mr Julian

ps, I ran an S13 open diff for a couple of weeks while my cusco was being put in the casing and hated it, all the typical speeds seemed to fall between gears - ie a regular sized roundabout was too fast for 2nd and too slow for 3rd etc:(
Just spoke to Sam and he said you took the LSD halfshafts. Why didn't you take the open ones, like you'd need for an open diff???