What other products would you like to see available in the Driftworks Shop?

How about some small custom stuff that makes peoples lives easier when prepping for track/motorsport? Eg, bracket that can be attached to the scuttle panel to allow people to mount pullcords with no fuss?
got to agree with is

M@r]{;1215914 said:
More parts for RX7's, primarily FD's :)

I help run the owners club, in the last year we have seen a big increase in interest in using FD's for drifting. One of the things that seems to 'persuade' people to give up on the idea is the lack of aftermarket parts in the UK

but also some bmw e36 parts would be good. Theres a fair few budget drifters about...mysefl included
i dont know if its been said before did have a quick look bout what a bout turbo elbows for when people top mount there turbos cause i couldnt find a off the shelf one anywhere when doing mine maybe with a flex in it to as not every manifold will be the same
Cheers guys, some good ideas there :thumbs:
We're not moving far, still in Tyseley, Birmingham, but somewhere much better for us :)

And finally, I'm very happy to reveal that our AE86 coilovers are now finished and we've just placed an order for the first few sets for the shop :thumbs:

cheers for the feedback, we always appreciate it :thumbs:

Ooo really can't wait, been waiting for about 2 years now or how ever long the Nissan ones have been out?
Do you have any info on price or a date yet?
More mx5 parts... Cages, seat mounts, chassis stiffening, turbos you name it.
Maybe even some small low offset wheels. 14s preferred.
Has anyone said bodykits yet? I know you do/did Vertex stuff but maybe more of a range? Theres loads people who wanna buy genuine kits but don't know where to go for them.

Oh and D-Max/JDM chequered floor mats. Nardi wheels etc :D
I would avoid 'me too' products. Cheap body kits, ford bits, exhausts elbows and intercooler kits are everywhere at the moment.

I would widen the scope of your existing range, adj stuff for BMW mazda etc. I still think ifs a bit early to do jzx stuff as the Market is too small, corolla stuff yes, the Market is there.

Did anything come out of technotoytuning or did you not persue that avenue?
I don't see the point in selling general tuning parts, there'll always be someone else who can buy in greater quantities and sell it cheaper or just flog chinese shite stuff and market it well enough that nobody cares...

How about coming up with more parts unique to DW? proper skid plates, IC's that don't sit 1" off the ground, Dart Izumi style backboxes etc? Drifting is pretty 'sceny' these days but it seems like theres nowhere taking advantage of all the bandwagons:wack:
A BIG BADASS WOOLY HAT! with a tiny orange pom pom on top! getting ready for winter + everyone would want one as a stocking filler at christmas??
bring back the Driftwork Steering rack arms!

i bought a pair last year and they rock, they just dont bend.

different diff ratio set ups?

plastic glass for nissan and toyota, etc

lots i could list
wat about some decent well priced gauges or even a DW stack dash, DW fuel cells that come with everything needed to practically bolt in, DW cheap turbo kit
without reading the whole thread id like to see more female clothing.
i wear my DW, Japspeed, Jimmy up and drift alliance hoodies etc looking fresh as fook :p
and my Girlfriend is gutted ..... i'll get her the pink and black hoody if nothing is released.
but itd be nice for a few stocking fillers this year.
wat about some decent well priced gauges or even a DW stack dash, DW fuel cells that come with everything needed to practically bolt in, DW cheap turbo kit

thinking about this, if you could supply all major bits needed to make a drift pro spec car, like the Little brakets for pull chords like andy mentioned,

fuel Cells and lines and such.

battery boxes!

relocation kits,

so basicly you have a full suuply of parts in one place with a good price and good delivery.
I think second hand wheels would be a bad idea cos it will cause a shit load of trouble if there is a hair line crack in them and some one crashes. the engine mounts for 1j/RB into s bodies is a good idea.
I will prob get shot for what i said about 2nd hand wheels.

Considering most JDM wheels that come over are 5 years old + , and most JDM manufactors recommend a 2 season 'life span' for track use, I would say you are bang on
Driftworks orange edition wheels are a good idea :thumbs: and easily doable
Servicing parts as said..
Driftworks low jacks

Wheel racks to go on the boot :wack: