Bon Bon bends fake Nardi wheel

Buying anything made in China is like buying heroin. You are never going to know how good it is until after you have handed your money over.

Remember Matel toys and their lead paint scandal
Then there is poisoned baby milk, toxic toothpast, the list goes on.

My big conncern is that there are dozens of companies that have sprung up since around 2008 trading in cheap Chinese made aftermarket automotive goods. E-bay is awash with them. When the complaints start comming in they will just shut up shop and move on.
i just did the test on the same steering wheel in my car...i couldnt bend it...does it means my one is better quality than the one you show on the video or might be just my problem as i am not 16st? or there a trick when u bending it?
a few suspicious points on drift works testing video, 1st the wheel should all been sealed in the clear film, but the one from drift works is not, 2nd the video is not a none stop video, that the video can be make up or combine to whatever you like, 3rd when bonbon take the wheel out from the box i can bearly to see there a little bend on the wheel already. 4th i did the same test in my car, just cant bend any the wheel at all.maybe i am not stronge enough ..but i am still weight 70kgs.
anyway i know the wheel is fake and not as good quality as the real one,but is the fake wheel is really that bad quality? there are some many suspicious points in drift works video.
i did this review here:
60 pounds what you expect ?
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i used to hv a OMP and Nardi replica on my 14A, been to a few drift days and they are totally fine.

anyone had their steering wheel bended under normal driving/ drifting condition?
standing on it like that isn't putting the same stress on the wheel as bon bon did. Also I highly doubt driftworks would be doing any off camera trickery...
This topic is easily the least interesting topic I've ever read on here...

It's a funny video, leave it at that ffs
The thing is though sometimes you get fakes of good quality and sometimes you get fakes of poor quality.

Saying all of them are crap like that is just a sweeping generalisation.

I think the point is that you have no way of knowing what the quality of a fake will be like until it fails.

It's like shagging a junkie hooker without a condom - you might not get aids, but do you really want to risk it?
i saw mister Vlasblom bend a genuine OMP steering wheel, by just using it all day very intensivly

but the wheel in this vid is fucking bad haha!

Wow you just made your self look like a massive twat on the Internet! Well done sir, clearly that wheel you just stood on has deformed and bent. And you have just wasted £60-£70! Awesome.

The cheap ass fake wheel is shit, it's now been demonstrated twice lol. I for one wouldnt want one in my car. And would hapaly pay the extra for a decent wheel and doesn't bend just by getting in and out the car.
um... the point is in fact how many people will drive like a ganster style ..i think the fake one is worth for what it cost.. and so far i never have any problem with it..if i get the genuine one do the stand jump test i will say it will bend as well..but will u dare to test a £200 nardi like this? i am sure u dont..even driftworks they wont.

Wow you just made your self look like a massive twat on the Internet! Well done sir, clearly that wheel you just stood on has deformed and bent. And you have just wasted £60-£70! Awesome.

The cheap ass fake wheel is shit, it's now been demonstrated twice lol. I for one wouldnt want one in my car. And would hapaly pay the extra for a decent wheel and doesn't bend just by getting in and out the car.
Lol we knew this was coming but I can assure you there were no tricks, pre-damaging wheels etc...
The same force was applied to both wheels, look at the steering column in the video lol.

Funny :D
i think rota wheel is the same thing different is the have their brand name.

Rota has a bit of a bad name because they copy the styles of more prestigious and expensive wheels, not because they are bad build quality.
a few suspicious points on drift works testing video, 1st the wheel should all been sealed in the clear film, but the one from drift works is not, 2nd the video is not a none stop video, that the video can be make up or combine to whatever you like, 3rd when bonbon take the wheel out from the box i can bearly to see there a little bend on the wheel already. 4th i did the same test in my car, just cant bend any the wheel at all.maybe i am not stronge enough ..but i am still weight 70kgs.
anyway i know the wheel is fake and not as good quality as the real one,but is the fake wheel is really that bad quality? there are some many suspicious points in drift works video.
i did this review here:
fake nardi review .wmv - YouTube
60 pounds what you expect ?

do you sell them by any chance ??????
i am sure there still many people will go for those fake wheel already bulit up their own protential buyer, there are still part of the buyer will go for it ...even after this review. they wont bother...this video will only stop the people who think to buy one this fake wheel and never use one before, but it wont bother the people who have used them already. i am sure even the test on the genuine nardi it will still bend. but i wont waste a 200 for something not worth to prove.
ben well if you ever have a crash at least you know you will have a hula hoop to play with:D

and your test wasn't even on a car, i'm sure you would of had the same results if you did

I bought a hkb REPLICA steering boss and the thing was is a piece of shit the thing would not even bolt down tight to the column you could spin the wheel on the splines, more ebay tat :wack:
just see this. BonBon man you are the new movie/ video star !!

£200 is not than bad, you spend around that for a drift day.

the real and the copy one did have big different. because i have both.
when you poor, you will buy fake stuff, when you rich, you will buy real stuff.

real stuff always better than fake
that literally had me in stitches. cant believe how weak that wheel was!
hopefully will make people think about buying copy harnesses and seats. just imagine what will happen if you crash using these products. when seats and harnesses have to support HUGE weights when your bodyweight is multiplied many times in a collision!!
funny vid man,
cant believe the quality of that wheel tho...i for one dont think that £70 is cheap! so to spend that on a wheel and it to be like that is shocking! lol

i have a none named deep dish wheel on my car, first thing i did after the vid was check it out, didnt move or bend at all! it acted just like the original nardi in the video....and mine cost nowhere near £70 let alone £200...i know that everything with a name costs more but seriously...£70 for a wheel that bends like that just because it says 'nardi' replica is a joke....they shouldnt be for sale!

brad :D