Into this late, but interesting topic. Lot of horseshit being talked in here I reckon from some of the people "in the know" lol. Anyway drifting now is different from drifting 5 years ago. Sponsorship is similarly very different. Lot of companies have been burnt by the "old timers". But simply put to compete these days you will need money, lots of it. Either by being rich, owning your own company so sponsoring yourself essentially, or by getting a good job and sacrificing a lot to do it. Skill will not get you a drive with someone, not without money and proving you are incredible first. Generally everyone who gets these drives has been drifting for 5 or 10 yrs and so is a name in the sport, or has connections etc. Being a "media guy" and coverage is nearly more important than skill in a way as said.
But regardless of if you do everything you think you should to get noticed, and drive your balls off, you will do very well to secure sponsorship that will cover a fraction of the cost ultimately. Like everything it will become cheque book racing soon enough. So simply put no. Luck, money, connections, skill in that order might, just might, give you a shot....but really you need to go back in time 5 yrs when opportunities were there for it to make a difference. Now there's just too many good drivers and good people all clawing over each other for the few scraps that may be there lol!
There are exceptions, and like everything there is always a chance. Just it would be the completely wrong idea to enter into drifting believing it will or is likely to happen. If anything comes your way it needs to just be a bonus, rather than a necessity.