I really dont get the attitude people have on here like"im gonna get a sponser means im gonna be winning loads of moneyz and getting tons of bitchs etc etc"
When realistically its more like "right so instead of paying 10 grand to do this seasons bdc its going to cost me 7k instead"
Besides regardless of what WE think, 99% of the country hate drifting/drifters, hell most dont even know what it is, i meet tons of ordinary people through my job, when they ask what i do in my spare time, the most common reply is "what like those teenagers do in car parks?" Or "whats the point in that"
Where as ask them about f1 and 99% of people have a clue about the sport and have watched it. End of the day this is not a mainstream sport regardless of what we think, and thanks to the morons that continue to go do "mad skidz on roundaboutz blud" i dont think it ever will, as the general population will always view us a cunts, and tbh how big is a sport ever going to be when most people hate it?