instead of continually cutting the shit out of the inner fenders.
Somehow extend the lower control arm!
This will do a couple of things:
-increase static camber
-will increase wheel track, at the same time moving the wheel away from the inner guards for clearance, will also allow more clearance to the LCA.
With the S4 LCA (S5 arms, the ball joint is integral to the whole assembly), the lower ball joint bolts onto the lower control arm. A good trick (i've done this to my car) is to instead of bolting the pivot below the arm, bolt it on top, to correct the lca angle. My next step, was to create a plate to bolt between the lower control arm and the pivot, to move it outwards an inch.
Unfortionately, there is not enough meat in the lca to redrill the mounting holes further out.
drill the front lower control arm to move the mount outward and higher. but you'll need to find another way to correct castor. you can do this by using an offcentre castor bush (have a picture on rx7club in the castor thread), or by castor/camber plates.