Minty.Fresh MX5 MFNA801 Kit - Gundam Aero

Here is an almighty thread bump. In relation to this topic iv been humming and haying for years on this bodykit.. due to the shipping quotes more so than anything.. to the point where we decided to make our own hovercraft kit for the MX5..


I'll wait till its done before I post up any more pictures.. but its the works guys. ;)
Took this snap a few weeks ago or so?


Not complete.. but getting there. Test fitment complete. Photos leaked soon.
looks great and I appreciate the craftmanship, but please leave photoshop alone. That's like watching a retarded kid being beaten to death with neon sticks
Photoshop? Nothing but MS Paint going on here pal ;) p.s. I enjoy pricking about with the highlighters. K THX!
:s not exactly. We made this with cardboard, rulers.. foam and tape. The only donar parts we had was the OEM bumper (Which the top half can be seen in the first snap) and an Autokonexion lip which we broke into 3 bits to build 'out' the profile a little.. to which we then binned as we didnt like the idea.. The second picture shows no OEM stuff on it and a full fiberglass bumper which was made from just a basic bumper shape.. and cardboard :D
Wouldnt of thought so dude. Might do the odd carbon bit here and there but theres already alot of companies doing cheap kits for datsuns so dont think we'll venture down that route. :)
true, just can't seem to find any I like that don't require importing. might try and fix the one I have first
looks cool and all that,
but id rather see development of modded hubs and rosejointed wishbones!!

we seem to be really far behind with mx5s in the uk compared to the us.
not a dig.. jus sayin'

before it was actually 100% on.


again.. obviously not done but getting closer lol. Oh and i know the lip looks like ass right now haha ;)
We plan on making a mould and getting this up for sale guys :) No stress. Just got alot of other things on at the moment, have faith though lol.