So going by the results I came 5th? I lost out on top 4 by 2 points! :'( fek sake..... Kicking myself for that lol.
Also the red e30 BMW (I think its an e30?...) that keeps owning; should he not be up a class? IMO he's pretty shit hot.. When the rest of us see someone being twinned up were kinda like.. 'oh well, no chance here then.' lol. I figured id say it, since alot of people was saying that on the day.
Also I wanted to bring up the point of the judging. I dont know the full in's and out's obviously however going by round 1 and now round 2 is there some kind of 'in for the local's' kinda thing? The commintators were telling us to go for 'their man' obviously as a joke but its not the first time that its been said the judging has been biased.
I for one dont actually care that much as I tried to explain to alot of angry people, but if I dont mention it, it wont be said. The way I see it, judges decision is final but.. possibly a change of judges per round wouldnt be a bad thing? Maybe get someone who doesnt know any of the drivers on a personal level? Hard possibly.. impossible? I dunno I just wanted to get that out now.
As for everything else. Round 2 was working ALOT better than Round 1! So keep it up guys you all did good. The trains were off the fekin hook cool!