Hahahahahaha, i love it when the Northern Irish slate my car! It just shows their extremely boring side and lack of any imagination!
All they like doing is doing dounts at cruises and listening to their janspeeds rasping away whilst allowing their cibies to light up the smoke they just laid with their superlites!
If they think they could spend £10k any better, i would like to see them try! But most of them are incompetent to do the work themselves so they would end up spending that much on labour costs!
Plus they would only get to spending £2k and then their imaginations would run out!
E.G. Superlites with tyres = £400
Janspeed manifold and system = £400
4 new Cibie oscars = almost another £400
Fensport lowering springs (or similar) = £150
Bilstein shockers if they feel extravagant = £350
Air filter = £50-100
Oooooohh, thats £2k well spent! What a well sorted 86 you now have! And so individual!