I'm having a drift day today, do some twinning and stuff on loads of tracks, Starts at 1:30pm GMT. RWD Only, My Mic's Broke but i can still hear, Add
JDM I K4Y to join the lobby.
Drifting quite a bit on Forza 3 atm, designing and doing setups too.


Looking for cars or cash if anyone is thinking of getting rid of Forza for GT5 too.

Add me if you're bored, i'll boot some randoms off my friends list now.
Drifting quite a bit on Forza 3 atm, designing and doing setups too.


Looking for cars or cash if anyone is thinking of getting rid of Forza for GT5 too.

Add me if you're bored, i'll boot some randoms off my friends list now.

i'm getting rid of forza for GT5 forza boring now. :/

ill skid with you if your on now.
in terms with FBDC jst be patient please

a supra i designed

how did you get the hks on the intercooler?? and i only thought there was one set of wheels you could paint the centers of

rather easy to be honest fella just get the decal and put it on the intercooler but the decal has to be back to front first. and not a clue bout the wheel to be honest lmao
Right so after having my xbox ver a year I gave just managed to get online and well excited :D

add me so I can practice some drifting - ribbo999