jord i dunno how you drive with out abs on... been trying to beat your time in the r8 last night... lol

That car is the worst to slow down which doesnt help your cause.

I dont use the ABS either. On that track actually you dont even need to brake too much. A lot of the laptime is just done with soft braking to carry the speed into the corner without upsetting it over bumps.

Mini - 1.12.996
Evo - 1.10.054
Ferrari - 1.07.337
Audi - 1.04.328
Porsche - 59.067
humm thats prob why... im too heavy footed on racing games! lol. I wondered how the lead lap times are so fucking fast!

time to learn... lol
As someone said above, go easy on the brakes, just as you would in a real car. Having the ABS off is quite nice for drifting too, as you can lock the fronts whilst on the handbrake to extend slides out/go crazy angle. No ABS + clutch button is the best combo for backwards-spec entries - you lose your drift score some of the time but it looks damn good :D

As PulsatingStar said above - that track doesn't require much hard braking. A key part of setting a good time is balancing the car into the long hairpin/sweeper just right so you don't get understeer. That said, I haven't done any gripping on it in a while, infact I've been back playing Battlefield:Bad Company after seeing the trailer for BF:BC2. :nod:
You can actualy fix this yourself without voiding the warrenty:

I can vouch for it as i actually done it myself and it does work even though its seems ridiculous!

YouTube - The Towel Trick

Dont want you missing out :D

Oooooooooooorrrr, just send it to Microsoft and get it fixed properly for free!!!

Why do people still insist on trying to bodge a RROD repair :wack:
Any players on Xbox Live add my gamertag = o DRiiFTWORKS o
I play Forza alot,have many drift rep cars and im actually preety good because ive bin doing it for about A year and half :)
Add me and i'll sort you out on some rides :)
i will probably sound bit weird. but for some reason i cannot find more info about forza. i want to get xbox on weekend and forza soon.
i do have a question.
how is the game.. i mean gt4 i played you know all these licenses you have to do all lots of different races.
how it is done in forza.
you racing for money.

i know it will sound stupid but ive beed a pc man all the time lately.
I discovered my love for 5th gear entries into the hairpin today... . Because of that I just ordered an elite 360 off of cuz it's way cheaper there than in germany, plus you get two games for free with it (I got fifa10 and halo 3 odst) aand of course I pre-ordered fm3 ;)

Damn I just spent alot of money xD
Is there anyway of doing hot lapping without being connected to xbox live?? My douche german internet is too slow to support it!! :mad: