Got home at lunch and I went fron 50th to 157th on drift :wack:.

So nailed a 25k run and now I'm 59th again :D

GT: JordB for leaderboard comparisons

How you managing to hit 25k! I'm making about 17k each run, i suppose i need to chuck that Porsche around abit more.
One lap. I've started hitting the leaderboards in grip. AndyF's time in the R8 is the only one eluding me so far today, but I'll get it ;)
Hahaha, seriously though, it's a bloody impressive score. I'm struggling to hang it on that long downhill left, whereas you seem to get it spot on and then transition into the little right over the bridge.
While where on the subject, wheres the best place to look for a 360 bundle??

I might wait till forza is released so i get that with it, but its my birthday next weekend and the girlfriend or my parents might get me a 360...

All the bundles seem pretty shit atm. Games wise theres no problem im more concerned about a small but okay hard drive and getting controllers and stuff with it.
I will beat you Irish:D.

Bundle wise im not to sure, have you checked play/game/gamestation ect? If i was you i'd try and go for an elite bundle mainly cause of the hard drive size.
Yea ive checked all of the main stream places.. think the best bet will be to wait untill forza comes out and get that bundled in or get shift and then sell it if i don't like it..

Just gay, i want it for my birthday as i'm impatient...
Can anyone recommend a decent place to preorder this from? I've never preordered a game before, but i MUST have this! :)