mitchc said:Damn my going to work today!! Missing out on free stuff!
im interested in what happens also, phil????????????mitchc said:Thanks Phil
On the two way test, what happens when you lift the clutch? (Never driven a car with a proper diff)
Phil said:I did do a bit, and it locked really really positivly, and I did a full on two way test on it in the rain (go up to 6,500rpm in 2nd, depress clutch, release accelerator, wait for revs to settle to idle, then take your foot off the clutch).. Believe me, this thing is just as 'scary' as my diff
Larry said:I'm running a welded diff in my S13, i didn't want to pay out a fortune for a proper one and find out i'm crap at drifting. I've entered all this years Irish D1 events so far and i've got my D1 Licence, so my goal is achieved for this year!
With all that said, i'm saving for a proper 2-way diff
Rob-S13 said:Do you use the car daily?
i guess is drifts well but whats normal driving like?
has it put alot of stress on anything and broke it?
what about tyres?