Work banning imageshack and the likes so i cant see all 23 pages of the epic boob thread!
It really is a massive ulcer.
Work banning imageshack and the likes so i cant see all 23 pages of the epic boob thread!
[/dull information]
do you like your job?
It pays a decent wage so i cant complain...
Work banning imageshack and the likes so i cant see all 23 pages of the epic boob thread!
I'm not sure if that's right...
...'cos you did complain.
It pays a decent wage so i cant complain, your not my boss are you?
Damn, nothing gets past you!
In general i like my job, except for the fact the IT people have managed to screw me over by barring all vidoes/photo's and social networking - even piston heads is offline!
it pays a decent wage so i cant complain, your not my boss are you?