It's totally forgotten it's roots. I think that's what annoys people. That's what annoys me. It's meant ta be fun not big sponsors and crazy money. The hole idea of drifting was to break away from the conformity in everyday life in japan. And here are the Americans making it more conformed than anyone else. All ya have ta do is watch Taka Aono's video that was real eased lately and realise that even some of the original drivers think it's going too far
That's a valid point although I do believe most of the guys in FD sincerely appreciate the roots of drifting. Also, keep in mind that FD drivers are also doing it for the fun - just like the rest of you. If we did it for the money we would all be stock traders instead.
Here's some food for thought from, I guess, an FD insider:
- My hope is that the top levels of drifting, be it in Europe, Asia or in the US, helps motivate the new generation of drifters. Proving that you can make a career in drifting is part of that motivation.
- There should be plenty of room for both pro drifting as well as grassroots, "recreational" drifting.
- To be a world class drift driver, you have to drive well, but also be a good marketer, people-person, team builder, strategic thinker and constant learner. Any combination of the above seems to work, though
This seems to be true for any professional sport.
- Is it really bad to think and act commercial and aim towards growing what you're doing? As long as you're straight up with honest motives I for one encourage anyone to make the best of what they dream of - whatever that is.
- With regards to FD specifically I agree that one of their biggest issues is the time it takes to run the show. I know this is something FD are addressing and that they'd like to speed up the show.
What I love the most about the actual competition, is that it's always changing. The judging criteria is never the same, and you're always chasing what the judges actually want to see - whether that is stated or more sublime.
Plus, there's something extremely attractive with negotiating the fastest way around any given track with 900 hp on tap and the grippiest tires you're allowed to run, while riding the tail of Captain America completely blindfolded by a smoke screen. Can't beat that feeling.
Fredric Aasbo