You have got this all arse about face Fella.
What you have to do it buy a car, any car. Less than a grand because if you dont crash it, you arent trying hard enough. Weld the diff, get some coilovers. Weld the diff. If you ever want to be any good then get something without too much power, otherwise you will just get spoiled with the power and never actually learn anything about car control.
The net stage is getting addicted. This shit is more fun and probably more addictive than crack cocaine. You will spend every penny you earn trying to get out and get enough seat time to ever even progress into the rank of those who have been doing it for years.
Then, if your lucky, you might find your reasonable at it, if your really fucking lucky you might find your really good and get sponsored, and that will make a small contribution to the biblical budget you will forking out of your own pocket to make it to events.
And then!
You will realise you will never get rich as a drifter, infact you will never make a penny for being a drifter. But fuck me you will have had fun.
Yeah or you could pull your head out of the sky and get a fucking grip
I no this is a public forum and everything but realy what has the lad dun so rong to justify the amount of abuse that he is getting. If he is being truthful then should we not be supporting him. We all had to start somewhere And the more people that what too get involved in it the better. Yes maybe he has his head in the clouds regarding making a career out of it but he is young and won't no the sport as-weal as a lot of you on here. I for one do no the air field that he is talking about.
We do a lot of contract work on it with the farm and the owner is quit a nice man. Don't no if he would let you on with a car or not but there is no harm in the boy asking.
Can everyone not give him the benefit of the dout and give him some expert advice instead of chasing another new member away. Sorry
Pull my head out the sky because I want to know what's the appropriate way to mod a car for drifting? Fuck right off, you get a grip please
Look dude, from one noob to another, use the search function and read some build threads. Theres HUNDREDS of S14 builds on here, with pretty pics and everything.
You're not the first and won't be the last to get a heavy slating on here for asking questions that have been done more times than a female VW fan. Take the bits of advise that are in the thread and get on with it.
Ok ok... i wasted good words on a dreamer lol Damn!
I can drive, and I do. Not on the road though, and since I have cash lying around then I wanted to get advice on what the most appropriate modifications are.
Also you don't get the point, there are people to look up to and I'd love to do what he does. He does car drifting... I'd like to start doing that and hopefully go further with it as time goes, what do people not understand?