Do you mind if I ask why? Its nothing that'll impact on your life in the slightest, just something that will happen. Why do you get so uptight about it?I hate shit like this proper gets me ina panic, same with that cern thing not cool
Do you mind if I ask why? Its nothing that'll impact on your life in the slightest, just something that will happen. Why do you get so uptight about it?I hate shit like this proper gets me ina panic, same with that cern thing not cool
Do you mind if I ask why? Its nothing that'll impact on your life in the slightest, just something that will happen. Why do you get so uptight about it?
Do you mind if I ask why? Its nothing that'll impact on your life in the slightest, just something that will happen. Why do you get so uptight about it?
...And after that the yanks are going to colonise uranus with a similar missle.
This is awesome.
I hope it goes ahead and they split the moon in half by accident, and you could watch it happen live while one half plummets our way.
I mean, life is boring and we're all gonna die some day, id rather be fucking owned by taking a million million tonnes of moon on the chin than fall down a flight of stars and break my neck.
Just like that hadron collider or whatever, there were rumours that when that sucker was turned on it could cause a black hole and we'd all be screwed. Id love that, a fucking BLACK HOLE?!?! SICK!
but im worried about getting an anal probe in the future...
Cut out the LSD lad.
Yep, huge.doesent the moon have a masive effect on our planet? gravetational pull and all that about tides going in and out?? seems like its asking for trouble no???
, same with the LHC im sure nothing bad will happen its just the maybe side of it.
This is awesome.
I hope it goes ahead and they split the moon in half by accident, and you could watch it happen live while one half plummets our way.
I mean, life is boring and we're all gonna die some day, id rather be fucking owned by taking a million million tonnes of moon on the chin than fall down a flight of stars and break my neck.
Just like that hadron collider or whatever, there were rumours that when that sucker was turned on it could cause a black hole and we'd all be screwed. Id love that, a fucking BLACK HOLE?!?! SICK!
sorry if this is a proper dumb question but if its a clear night will we see anything if we watch without any telescopes?