hmmm 2012 not sure what i think about that. Theres one side that shats his pants at the mention of the date,but then theres the other side that thinks how can prehistoric people(i know they were advanced for that time) get such a precise date for the world to get a beating?
Something a lot of people forget is timescale. As at least semi-civilised being we have only been around for about 10,000 years, and relative to the existance of the universe that's not even the blink of an eye. And then you ask yourself, in the time we have been around, how many opportunities have we had to completely wipe ourselve out? It seems the only destiny that awaits higher cultured being is inevitable self destruction.

So with that in mind you must ask, is there/has there ever been other complex life forms in the universe? its a scientific certainty.
But, what are the odds of said life forms coexisting with ours, and growing to such a level of complexity that they will be able to contact us before they die out? ridiculously close to nil.

And then you must consider the odds of natural disaster. Who's to say a comet the size of saturn wont come crashing though our solar system and destroy us. They could warn us, but what could they actually do? This applies everywhere in the universe too. The fragility of life is greatly underestimated and to be perfectly honest, if all life in the entire universe was detroyed the universe wouldn't give a shit.

But still, I completely agree with iamben, we aren't special in anyway.

But we can still get completely shit faced and have fun with the time we have.

this is really cool if theyare planning to put a place on the moon does that mean soon there will be an amusement park on the moon atnd the universe will end up like futurama i cant fuking wait il be very old when it all happens but YAY!!!!!!!!! and as for the space people they may be around and be so advanced that they have visited most of the universe and now they only have here left to visit ohhh and all these advancements in space does that mean one day i can live on mars or the moon
Bizzle, is this anything to do with 2012 ??

i think he means the verious governments supposedly gearing up to telling the world that aliens have visited earth, and have made contact with us, and arent here to kill us.

and 2012, what a crock, the calender ends, so people say the world ends. The mayan scripts refer to "a new beginning" rather than, "yooz lotz fucked". Basically, the you need to turn the calender over and start the new one...
or they may have just been refering to the olympics anyways why would the calender end is it that hard to print 2013 the put january 1 ect im sure a printer could handle that
Yawn.... more hippie bullshit about 2012.... the world will not end, aliens will not fly down and visit us, we'll still all be broke, girls will still ignore the majority of this forum, unless like some, you pay for their company....we'll all strive and toil our lives away, no greater meaning, no higher purpose and no visit from green fucking men.


Bizzle proper giving it the prophet of doom in his post HAHA. Like he's party to some upper echelon of people that know shit maaaan.

I await my BIG shock in the next few years. I really do.

However i think that our universe, as fantastic as it is... and it is fantastic, is also fucking boring. In that on Earth we will never really have some nice big interplanetary shake up. We'll just burn ourselves out.
NASA moon bombing violates space law & may cause conflict with lunar ET/UFO civilizations

i do believe in this and i recon either they are trying to start a war or there is something up there on the moon thats buried and they want to uncover it.

read so much shit on the moon, just seems really dodgy why they want to send a bomb then to find out it it can support life come on ffs come up with a better excuse than that.

also to learn towards the war theory

YouTube - UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister

he is the former defense minister for canada

i stopped reading and started laughing at "known extra terrestrial civilisations"

come on. if you believe that then you should be put in a box and shipped somewhere very far away.

and trying to cover it up for the shadowy government agency i work for that is controlled by the illuminati and funded by the CORPORATIONS!
And if Aliens came here they could use us for food/slaves !!:nod::D

Using us for food or slaves is only viable if it costs less in energy than the travelling. For example - getting my girlfriend to do the washing is considerably more effort than just chucking my socks in the washing maching by myself. Also killing, gutting and cooking her* is way more effort than just getting another pizza out of the freezer. And she lives in my house. If I had to get to another planet to get her to do the washing or fill my freezer** I just wouldn't bother even thinking about trying.

Regarding 2012 - Having lived through the global colapse that didin't happen in 1984, 2000 or 2006 I'm not going to worry about this pile of bilge either.

* which is not to say I won't do it if she doesn't start doing the fucking washing this week.

** not a sexual mataphor.
having said all that wonderful stuff an having "trillions of stars and solar systems", why do people think that the only other place life can exist is mars?

because any further in and its roasting time

any further out and it gets a bit nippy

although, im sure i could survive in boiling liquid methane for a week or so:smash:

also, india have found water vapor on the moon just by looking at it havent they?
So what happened with this shit in the end, did we see anything ?

And to Lamben or whoever it was, in regards to 2012, Im not talking about aliens, or other planets coming past us with humans that were set on there thousands of years ago before it set of on its cycle for so many thousands of years (I have heard many like this), but I do hold a belief that something may happen.

As we know the myan (sp?) calender and lots of other calenders do end on 2012, and cant remember which ology it is lol, star signs and stuff, it shows that 2012 is the end, of course you do just start the cycle again, but these dates are the end and beggining and this isnt the first time our planet has gone through these changes were we enter a new time. On other occassions in the past and as scientists predict is a real possibility, our north and south poles could switch, this has happened over and over throughout earths life, normally it wouldnt make much difference but for us now with our technologies it could cause a lot of shit to not work.

But do I believe aliens will land or the earth will be destroyed, no !!!

But I do believe our planet could face something quite big soon either through the poles switching again, or something connected to like our food chain, honey bee's dying (thats predicted to already cause mayhem if we dont figure out why they are dying) or a flu epidemic, which has already started, it may not have had the effect we first thought, but with that, the bee's, it seems we are gearing up for something and 2012 could play straight into that.
who else is getting their looting equipment ready? i keep a rapid response pack with me at all times in case of the unexpected!
As we know the myan (sp?) calender and lots of other calenders do end on 2012, and cant remember which ology it is lol, star signs and stuff, it shows that 2012 is the end, of course you do just start the cycle again, but these dates are the end and beggining and this isnt the first time our planet has gone through these changes were we enter a new time. On other occassions in the past and as scientists predict is a real possibility, our north and south poles could switch, this has happened over and over throughout earths life, normally it wouldnt make much difference but for us now with our technologies it could cause a lot of shit to not work.

2012 may well be the end for alot of calenders but did they have the knowladge to really predict when something like a pole swap was going to happen? Nope not really. For a start they werent around when it happened the time before so its not like they know how long it will take and then said 2012. They prob just based their calender on some random stuff just like their religions. As we know, most old world stuff is based on stuff they couldn`t explain, so it must be gods.

As well as that, just going off a hunch or random scientists predictions is abit rash. And with everything predicted, things like religion, phychic stuff, the paranormal and new sciences, its not upto us to prove its not real but upto you (the believer) to prove its real.

I think the italic sentance above really needs to be remebered more often in the world.