have you locked your diff? or have a lsd.Just done a DWYB and after a few attempts I could initiate in first using a clutch kick going to the right. After a while i could nail this every time and hold. The problem is going to the left it just didn't want to go. On a low speed left it just seems to go round in a circle even while kicking the clutch.
It managed to do a left direction drift on the larger kidney course while in second from a transition, but for just a basic donut i couldn't get it to break. Just wondering if this could be the diff/setup or me. (pretty sure im doing exactly the same either direction )
those capri's r sooooo read end happy! uve got to b sooo quick with steering bcoz you hav a long front end with all the weight an a short back end that light,once u master how to drift a capri u are a real DK lolhi ppl, i sort of stumbled across this site 2 nite and it has held my attention for about 3hrs so far reading diff bits of forum! i like the sound of drifting but dont know what car to use, ideally something i have already would be good, what is the best idea for a learner out of the following: 1979 2ltr gl ford capri, 1988 3ltr toyota supra or 1990 2.6 turbo mitsubishi starion( may be hard to persuade my dad to let me drift the starion as he gave it to me) none of above have mots and all need work but which would be best to get legal and practice in?? any helpful advice muchly appreiciated!!
the police realy dont like drifters an u WILL get nicked for it lol or a section 59 an maybe evn hav ur car took away,best place is roundabouts at 2am around mid week an tat way wen u spin no1 larfs at u haha!Can anyone tell me the laws of drifting in car parks? I have got a s14 and wanna have a go but need somewhere to practice. Are there other good place to go and learn? Cheers.
Hellow My name is Chris Davy, I am infected, in a advaced state with the microb of drifting and everything related to engines, wheels and tuning. I have been drifting for a year or so with cars from friends and stuff and now I am looking for a car of my own to do my own thing with it. I am interested in a daily driver car that I can also drift and race with at any time. I have a few rides in mind but I thought of asking for advice here and there, so my question is: as a novice drifter, what car should I go with, keepping a low cost at the same time? I know, rear-wheel drive, good LSD, locking dif., suspention, good brakes, at least 110BHPs, what else?Are you new to Drifting?
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