norfolk arena drift team membership

this is an english speaking forum for english speaking humans, can all you binary using robots please go away.

that translates in to- my eyes go fuzzy when i try to translate it so i gave up.
this is an english speaking forum for english speaking humans, can all you binary using robots please go away.

that translates in to- my eyes go fuzzy when i try to translate it so i gave up.

funny anough thats wat i said ]= Y3W<1X S@1X£
funny anough thats wat i said ]= Y3W<1X S@1X£

did you???????????:thumbs:

my eyes hurt:cry:

i thort the randomness of bodgeing equipment proved we had gone nuts, this is even more serious, there must be a deficiencey of toxic substences in all our bodies due to lack of tyre smoke inhalation!!!!!!!
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Dear god. We struggle just with English on this forum, please stop the horror.

Its bad enough that I have to cope with half the road signs being in Welsh this weekend.
}{4}{4 70|\/|, |)0'|\|7 \|/0.-.-y \|/3 41'|\|7 (.-4zY, J|_|57 4 817 |\/|0.-3 \|/17 73}{ 71|\/|3Z :)

Seeing as Google won't translate that...

"Haha Tom Don't worry, we ain't crazy just a bit more with the times."

See, it's perfect english, except for a misplaced apostrophe in ain't. Find me another kid on this forum that even knows what an apostrophe is!
Hence the trip to Wales. Leaving work at lunchtime, then making new brake pipes, then loading up for the 5 hour drive to Llandow.

It's going to cost me 2 days and 300 quid for two hours on track (which I don't mind as it's BDC) but that makes Norfolk Arena seem an incredible bargain.

Plus at a NA practice day it doesn't matter how I drive as long as I'm laughing my tits off :D
all that hyroglifics stuff is easy to read.....when theres a translation below it.

im more with the times than the royal family are, so that will do me.


is that a £300 entry fee or all the costs inc fuel, bridge toll tyres etc.
all that hyroglifics stuff is easy to read.....when theres a translation below it.

im more with the times than the royal family are, so that will do me.


is that a £300 entry fee or all the costs inc fuel, bridge toll tyres etc.
£150 an hour, bugger need to look at the price'in at norfolk:smash:
any1 going Pod on sunday, may well take the shed up there:smokin:
Cant im completey skint :(

However im gunna chase up a couple of old contacts on getting some more drift spots in norfolk when i get a chance, will let you know if i get anything back from it mate
See, it's perfect english, except for a misplaced apostrophe in ain't. Find me another kid on this forum that even knows what an apostrophe is!

I aint a kid :P

O and Kyle, it aint that expensive to be honest, £45 entrance, I spent about £50 on fuel and that includes driving there . then tyres depends on how lead footed you are. At my first Drift day i only killed one set so that was £20 .

Man Up :)