Active Member
seriously i hate explaining it
and !!!!!
seriously i hate explaining it
and !!!!!
ahhh soooo much easier to explain with the internet at hadn
+ 1\/ b33|\| w17h t3h h@xorZ 4 e\/@h
this is an english speaking forum for english speaking humans, can all you binary using robots please go away.
that translates in to- my eyes go fuzzy when i try to translate it so i gave up.
funny anough thats wat i said ]= Y3W<1X S@1X£
+ 1\/ b33|\| w17h t3h h@xorz 4 e\/@h
Dear god. We struggle just with English on this forum, please stop the horror.
Its bad enough that I have to cope with half the road signs being in Welsh this weekend.
}{4}{4 70|\/|, |)0'|\|7 \|/0.-.-y \|/3 41'|\|7 (.-4zY, J|_|57 4 817 |\/|0.-3 \|/17 73}{ 71|\/|3Z
£150 an hour, bugger need to look at the price'in at norfolkall that hyroglifics stuff is easy to read.....when theres a translation below it.
im more with the times than the royal family are, so that will do me.
is that a £300 entry fee or all the costs inc fuel, bridge toll tyres etc.
See, it's perfect english, except for a misplaced apostrophe in ain't. Find me another kid on this forum that even knows what an apostrophe is!