Todays update: (22/03/2009) PAINT!!!!!ONEONEONEONEELEVEN
Well today was an eventful day to say the least!!.. ups and downs but overall incredibly successful, with a lovely new skidworthy paintjob albeit.. er.. not as originally intended…
Got to the soopah secret spraying location and stripped the FC down of all its kit and extra bolt ons like mirrors, rear lights etc..
And handed them over to the man with the (spray)gun:
Who then cleaned them up, got as much of the stupid silicone off that he could and began to spray on the best color in drifting!
Meanwhile we got cracking masking and papering up the FC itself:
…Thhhheeeeen once the bolt ons had been painted and baked on the middle shelf of the oven on gas mark 7 for 20 mins.. oh sorry that’s pizza.. ahem.. yeah once it had been baked for a while got switched out for the FC itself:
Once That had all been baked for aaages and we had sorted out a few other bits n bobs.. touched up bits where the silicone had reacted still!! Grrrrrrrr (my fault, im crap at rubbing bits down.. don’t ever trust me to do yours
) we bolted all the bits back on.. put the kit back on and the bonnet pins etc.. and drove back to matts place.
Job done..
What…? You were expecting pics?? Not till next Sunday evening!
Oh and once we were back (2.30pm ish) we cracked on ripping more bits out of poor old yoshi for people who had bought bits and for the FC.
Gnite all! See you after first day at new job tomorrow!