Been lacking on here recently - apologies! Big post incoming...
After Driftcup Round 2, I didn't really do much to the car, went to the Teesside Practice day and thats about it. Then a few weeks later there was another practice day at Teesside... but I was working nights the night before so I finished work at 7am morning of, went home and slept until 11am, then loaded up and set off upto Teesside not long after 11.30am.
Within 2 laps I had tapped the tyres around the first hairpin leaving some tyre marks on my rear quarter
Came in to talk drifty stuff with Dave and Hayden in the pits
Went back out and did lots of driving with them aswell - selection of photos showing it - I think this is the best twinning i've ever done! I felt super confident following them!
Had a few more runs with Nathan Rudd(V8 KE70) and Chris Wright(BDC 350z Twin Turbo) and unfortunately when Chris was chasing me, He took the wrong line around the second hairpin, and when I ran a bit wide and came off throttle, his rear wheel plowed into my door... this smashed my window and also caved my door and sill in... when I ran wide aswell it took my rear bumper off so that needed repairing AGAIN and also chipped the front bumper it seems
Anyway, tried to get the door as straight as it could be(Shout to Brad from Driftnuts for coming straight over and giving me a hand getting it as straight as possible ASAP!) and went back out for the last hour which was good to let off some steam!
Onboard footage from the day:
The heavens opened on the way home so had to stop at the petrol station and ask for a black bin bag and some tape and did a make shift window!
This situation was far from ideal as JDM Combe Drift Demo's were looming and we were setting off down to Castle Combe Circuit on the Friday Morning(The drift day was on Monday).
Lucky for me I wasn't at work the following day(Tuesday) so managed to get a spare door I had off to the bodyshop for paint, along with the rear bumper which I cable tied back together and got the bodyshop to filler over as a temp job until I get time to put some fibreglass back into it!
Whilst the rear bumper was off I gave the exhaust tip a quick polish since it was still caked in mud from Driftcup Round 2...
Got the freshly painted door and rear bumper back the next morning(less than 24 hours later!! Huge shoutout to Within Fields Garage in Brighouse) and got them fitted that afternoon with a helping hand from Amy in the rain.
The old door has served it's it's laid to rest...
then Thursday morning took the car down to Driftnuts to revinyl the door and rear bumper - Shoutout for them fitting me in at such short notice! Stressful week but finally I could see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Got the car back and then Friday morning loaded up and headed straight down to Castle Combe Circuit(4 n half hour drive). We decided to bring Scarlett with us, and also my mum who could look after Scarlett whilst we were out on track which was nice!
JDM Combe Drift Demo's - I am so grateful that I got an invite to come along and do the demo's! I've been wanting to experience the track for such a long time, and I'm glad I took the opportunity to do it! What a day! The car was flawless and I didn't even have to unload the jack or tool kit from the boot of the Tiguan all weekend! The event was massive, huge crowds and they all loved the drift cars, always people walking around asking questions about the cars, and we even had 2 hours spare in the afternoon to have a stroll round and take in the show which was nice!
Castle Combe Circuit is something else, the slowest corners are top end of 3rd... and I was hitting the limiter in 4th entering into Quarry(Big S corner) which was a new experience! If I get the opportunity I will definately return, as it is such a fun track and I would love to improve my confidence driving on it!
I took my GoPro with me, but like a bellend I left my SD cards at home, so it was pointless...
There is way too many pics to share so I will choose my favourite and share them, but if you ever get the chance to drift Castle Combe, I would highly recommend it!!
I lost my sideskirt on the 2nd session but luckily got it back in 1 piece so need to re-attach that and then give the car a once over and do some fluid changes, and I also have a 5 speed SR Box that I am going to be fitting soon!
Big shout to Amy for travelling the length of England with me going to these stupid events doing silly things with cars and also helping me fix them in the background! We've just had our 4 year Anniversary and she's been with me 100% from day one! Looking forward to many more years of doing stupid things together!