So a 800 quid mx5 isn't a cheap track car? Again it's the Internet that creates bollocks of you need a gazillion bhp to have a track car, in fact e36 and mx5s are some of the biggest budget track cars, the mods are similar as to what we do for drifting. Just instead of spending money on lock kits they spend money on tyres and brake pads.
You were talking about £50k plus cars. Now you're talking about budget track cars. I take your point that you can make a budget car look good, but if you intend on using it for events like Jumanji Nights, where it will likely get wrecked, why waste the money on making it look smart?
I agree that taking off the headlights and body panels for an event can make a good car look worse, but taking a car that is slammed on its ass and not removing a low front bumper is asking for it to get mashed. It's a waste of money. Money you could use to get more seat time. That being said, there is always a balance that can be reached to get the best of both worlds. My 200 will look smart and will run well. My missiles will be mashed for fun.