Mate, if you spend £25K on a car get your monies worth and go drive it. No one will care how many miles you put on it. Its an old Nissan not a vintage Roller.
I had a cage on both my last nissans. drove em lots including daily for the first year.
You pretty much fall right into the catagory of wanky lifestyler who's spent so much on their car their scared to drive it. Sad, but true.
This is Buxton way back in 2012 when crackin snazzy nissans went up each month and drifted on each others doors. If only it had taken off across the whole country like it did there.
Struggle Buxton PurpleTwat Twinning - YouTube
EDIT: This whole subject really does wind me up. You get a load of people who really have no intention of drifitng but love the idea of being in the scene so they go and buy all the Nissans which bumps the price of them up for those who do use em and then they go and hide them away.
It makes drifting expensive for all the people who do it and also makes the UK looks wank as fuck. You know i wouldn't mind as much if some of these lifestyler cars came out looking boss as fuck but they don't. There out there with nice kits with nice fancy paint jobs but on absolute STILTS and with horrendous fitment issues. Its just embarrising. And then the fuckers do one burnout and decide its time for 400 horses!!!
EDIT 2: I'm NOT saying that this is you Zornynanananananwhatever. I'm generalising alot of people in the sport nowadays.